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How can I place an order?Ordering from All Stop Smoke Shop is a breeze, and we guarantee a safe and private shopping experience. Simply choose the product you love and click on the "Add to Cart" button located on the product detail page. If you wish to continue browsing, hit "Continue Shopping." Once you've added all your desired items, click "Check Out" to complete your purchase. If you have a coupon code or gift certificate, don't forget to apply it in the "Discount Code" box to enjoy your special discount. You can either register for an Express Checkout or proceed as a Guest.
What forms of payment do you accept?We offer you a range of convenient payment options, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card.
What is All Stop Smoke Shop's Customer Satisfaction commitment?At All Stop Smoke Shop, we are dedicated to providing our customers with unbeatable value. We take pride in offering better prices than our competitors. Keep an eye out for our special offers on select products, and make sure to check the terms and requirements for eligibility and claiming the offers.
How can I check my order status?You will be provided with a shipping tracking number where you will be able to track the location of the package in real-time, through the shipping provider's website or app.
What is your Privacy Policy?We respect your privacy and adhere to all relevant state and federal laws. For more information, please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy.
What is your Shipping and Return Policy?For detailed information on our Shipping and Return Policies, head to the bottom of any page on our Website and click on the links under the "STORE POLICIES" header.
Will I be charged Sales Tax?All Stop Smoke Shop is required to charge sales tax on products shipped to addresses in the State of California, where our Corporate Headquarters is located. The tax rate applied to your order will correspond to the current rate at our headquarters, which may differ from your local rate.
What is your Cancellation Policy?You have the option to cancel your order within 2 hours of checkout. However, if you cancel after this time, we'll do our best to assist you, but we can't guarantee that we can stop the shipment. Once the items have been shipped, the order cannot be canceled. In case you wish to return the product, please note that a restocking fee may apply.
Can I cancel an order for in-store pickup?Of course! If you've placed an order for in-store pickup, you can cancel it anytime hassle-free. Thank you for choosing All Stop Smoke Shop! If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at (916) 910-9262.
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